dilluns, 29 d’octubre del 2007

Update your English! Keep the use of ICT up!

Teachers of a foreign language never stop being in touch with the learnt language, English in this case. Maybe the level of English is very good or perhaps it is a little bit rusty and a little of update is needed or just we want to practise it a little more. Some sites below provide resources to improve English.
Listening comprehension:

BBC News (http://news.bbc.co.uk/).
Speaking in Tongues is a 25-part radio series about language from International House Barcelona, broadcast on Saturday mornings by Radio Free Barcelona on 107.7 FM.The series, featuring a number people in the Teacher Training Department, discusses a range of different topics relating to language, language learning and language teaching.If you want to listen to some of these discussions, you have to go to:
English Listening Comprehension Quizzes
Australia Network is offering video podcasts (or vodcasts) of our popular English Bites program on a free trial basis.
Randall's ESL page, that can be also easily used in the class with the students

Reading Comprehension:
The British Daily Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/
The Daily Express: http://www.express.co.uk/
The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/
The Herald: http://www.theherald.co.uk/
The Times: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/global

On-line writing activities:
English Exercises Online: http://www.smic.be/smic5022/
Online Writing Lab: OWL - http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/index.html
ELC (English Language Centre) Study Zone: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/
English-Hilfen learn languages on-line:
Merriam-Webster's online Dictionary: http://www.m-w.com/

About ICT Management:
Have a look at :
Materials de formació XTEC
It offfers a wide range of guides for different courses on ICT tools (webQuest, Word Processing, webpage design, ICT workshops for Primary and kindergarten, Power point, etc.)